Wednesday, February 17, 2010

this is a repeat of the post which i had been trying to post a few days back n it kept getting backdated. u all may have read it. for those who havn't --it is a congrajulatory message for vishy n by default kar too, for having bagged an order to supply samosas from their restaurant for the winter olympics going on at vancouver . the first 2 days they had supplied 1750 samosas. getting an order like this there is a very difficult task i hear . very stringent tests to be passed. not like here where if u grease a politician's hand anything can be got. their hard work n sacrifices is really starting to pay off. we wish them all the best n may their chain of restaurants grow.


kalyani said...

Congrats Vishy! Your drive will take you higher than the Olympics.

haru snoopy ever said...

wow visshy uncle....
great...congrats...the whole of canada is having your must be busy after the break in india were you could get your clothes ironed....!!!!!!!!!!!!!