Monday, September 29, 2008


congrats to pc and kalu
mine was latest, but now old,
swift is an excellent car, happy driving,
take care

Sunday, September 28, 2008


hi people
at last got the invitation from kalu perima so i will also start writing. Here are some of the rules one should follow before reading any of my blog which i hope to be writing in the near future.
1; spelling mistakes should be ignored cause it has been proved we need to see only the first andthe last words to know the word.
2-graamtical errors shud be ignored .maybe u cld comment on it so that i cld get more mrks in my exams

i am currently in siddddipet(see first rule) enjoying a nice holiday with karthik and gg.we went for 2 movies in 2 days.both were vry nice.also went to ramoji city both of them liked it. i was a bit bored after seeing it already but hey the company was different amd also there were new attractions.o.k got 2 go will write when i get back to chennai

Friday, September 26, 2008

At last, at last ....

Finally, we've got a new car and PC has a car registered in his name !

The new Maruthi swift.

He's now too worried (about scratches and so on) to take it out :-)

But then I might if he leaves it at home, so it will go out soon

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

hi everybody,

the conference was so so. got complements on my looks rather than on my compering on whic i put more effort.  not that the complement on my looks dint give me a morale boost.

sleep calls [ sanju "s]


Sunday, September 21, 2008

poem and சாங் [நந்திக]

[this is written by nandhika but im using my sisters address]
This is a poem called.....
If I had the chance
To make a choice
It would be the time
I got a stronger voice
Now that my time has come
To being quiet, I say goodbye
And now I cant believe
I was ever shy
Do you know what its like
to be shy, to be quiet, to be
always in the dark
Ive left my hiding place
far, far away And now I have the courage
to say
whats on my mind
To feel like everything is
a new find
nandhika nambi
This is a song which has an actual tune to it
I walked outside my house
And guess what I see
If I saw peace on earth
How nice that would be
But no, no, no
Not this time
Everyone I know
Has turned to crime
Why wont you stop this war
And set me free
Im going mad
I need my peace
Theres too much pressure
Im gonna burst
Cant you save me
And stop this blood thirst
Im praying hard
With all hope
That could be
Open your eyes
And see what is
to our mother earth
This is where your birth
Please save us and set us free me please
What happiness do you get
In all this bloodshed
We are tearing apart
And you dont seem to
care at all
Cant you see
You make my bad dreams
this is so heartbreaking
............................Stop this and save me

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Nan asks which stupid person would put a deadline for stories in the middle of her exams !!
she and ash would like a deadline extension to participate
Kapu's incident was true of anandhi
PC - Simran- cute abdomen - out of character or is it ?

work calls as usual
Ash is dancing on OCT 19, nan has a function in the morning and Medha will have her ears pierced as well
Please plan to come for the function for the whole day
You will be formally invited on the phone later
Please try and come

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

negatives, faults ,

hi everybody,
was looking to a character analysis of bad points that may require working on.  suprised to see havent got any from you all. too lazy.

oh, forgot to give u this good story about anandhi.

on the drive back from madurai, goutham fearing that he had to pay for the lunch since he
hadnt got concrete offers from me  in spite of many hints ,stopped at a way side family hotel where the wife was the cook.
murthy mama ordered chicken thigh pieces for all. costing 15 rs each it came in a small plate of gravy.
anandhi reached for it , tasted it mixed with rice , and a delightful expression stole over her face.  she ooh aahed over the authentic home made curry the likes of which only her mother
in law could ever prepare.  she listed the probable ingredients that were ground fresh to make the gravy, stated that the lack of coconut added to its excellent taste.
in true anandhi style she called out to the cook and stated the fact ---" you havent added any  coconut have you !! pat came the reply " oh yes , only a liitle "
next question , " what are all the ingredients you have ground"
" aachi chicken masala powder " !!!!!!!
i only wish i had a camera to catch anandhis look.

darshu , theres your story .

ravi thanks for the hint. will look up the net.

did u hear of pc"s joke from his conference.
the first slide put up by the speaker was of simrans abdomen .
he explained saying he thought the topic alloted to him was A  CUTE ABDOMEN !!! Just a  matter of a gap.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Change

Version 1: Okay you sensitive idiots will call a bloody shovel a spoon hereafter.

Version 2: My apologies to all those whom I've hurt with my rough words. I will think twice hereafter and speak only after I ascertain that Im attuned to the sensibilities of the person Im interacting with.
If I think I will hurt somebody with my words, I wont say it.

(maybe I will become dumb:-))))))

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hi Kapu
I usually google medical cartoons and pick the ones that are easy to spot on a powerpoint slide annd intersperse them
the trick is that even the village idiot should be able to laugh at it
it shouldnt take too much brains to work it out
i am sure there are many radiology jokes on the net which should go down well

weddings - good fun only if we stay overnite and interact etc
if its a rush job , then unless you have company on the way NO FUN !!
dachu story will get a few entries

ok - reg the smart k4

kalai- caring, loves to enjoy to hear any story ,gossip and very helpful
latest amachi, keep going, less tension will help u a lot
kalu- every bodies fav cousin,( still i dont know why),u put straight ur reply , but hurts others
too,still i like it, good,pls dont make any more doughnut,
kar- bold, adventure, very helpful,majestic in ur approach,
how abt some exercise pls
kalu- cute caring simple excellent doctor, hope to see her in big way soon in her career
how u r able to be so patient,,,,,,maybe due to treating patients,

aswatha story

it was like reading a old time james hadley chase novel, very nice keep writing-gou

Language skills

Ashwatha....more than your imagination, your language skills drew me to read your story again...Being weak in this area...i always admire people who write well..After,kal, Dachu, you are the next person i idea of Anya's....Great work.

Dachu I will not take you up on your challenge....Let me tell you i had to write an English language testing twice to get my current job....It wasnt the grammer, it was my writing and punctuation skill....

People here think it is becos it is my second language....Not that they are aware that i cant write nor read anything else better!!!!

Character analysis:Looks like kal, kap and myself are the only one has interest to do this.
Kids we would love to hear your,dachu,sindu,sandhya,anya,ashwatha,sajith.....

kalai: loves/helps people, fantastic organizer...Immense patience with babies
Like the way we have confused desi's, .....she is sitting on the fence: in her thought process, between the previous generation and current.

kal: knows what she wants and has achieved it...
Like kap says..her people skills with the community is shining than with the family.

kap: Driven...achiever insipte of hurdles....Great with babies and kids...has lots of patience and energy for them ...( though sajit, ramesh may not agree)
Emotionally involved with immediate extended family.

Babu I think surya is now challenging his friends to the competition...after I mentioned your age test.

kaps, weddings are only going to become interesting when
you invite only the people you want to see
only the people who want to come ( for the right reasons) attend the wedding
when financial stress does not overtake the enjoyment
When the people who come feel welcomed, appreciated.
May be you should start be not going for such weddings....If you havent seen the family socially outside a function for more than 3 years...dont go!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

helpful tips.

hi folks,

am about to compere for a radiology paediatric meet.  can anyone give me some tips about how to make it more intresting.  ravi how about some authentic doctor jokes to slip in between talks.

ashwthas story was good.  darshu i will take up ur story after a week or so.

it was a hit and run affair on my part at kundavis sons wedding. landed at 6.45. dressed ,reached mandapam at 9,  went straight to breakfast. wedding thali tying got over by 10. rushed to view temple ,again changed clothes and was away in gouthams car to chennai by 12 pm.
dint talk to kundavi, her hubby . dont worry just handed over the moi to the mapillai before pushing off.

how do we make weddings nmore intresting to guests ??? is it only good food,and of course good gossip.

character analysis.
kalia--- helpful,
               quite good at getting people to do things for her,
               good organiser.  things of even the smallest detail.

              total lack of self confidence. which really has to be rectified.
               also needs to take her health seriously and think of the future.

            keeps protesting but ultimately helps people.
            good at social service though u wouldnt think it.
            good language skills .could be put to good use.

           shaaaarrrrrrrppppppp toungue. needs to soften it.
           still hasnt made me donuts[ sajit]
           cant spell my name correctly[ sajit]
           use her brains to add to the family kitty.

           helpful to all. as kalu says too much at times.
           works untiringly . she is the one i think of when there are no servwnts at home and house
                        work  drives me crazy.
          very good mother .
          balanced person. able to look at the positive side.

        faults is only overweight.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

half asleep now

Just to finish off kallu's challenge I am not in as it was reserved for girls !
I do think we slip up and dont let the children know about money etc

A couple of things i read recently and seemed good enough to share !

Aim for the luxuries and the necessities will take care of itself !

Please read the book the last lecture - fantastic and inspiring
I think some bits can be googled

Can someone help with Aswatha's career choice
she says she is too good to do anything !
computer programming is a no go for her

She has some career books as well
whats in and whats out does dachu think and its been a long while since we heard from the tailoramma

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Story Contest

Aswatha, that was a fantastic story. Keep writing more stuff.
I was thinking we can have a story contest right here on our blog, for the best story about our family. I know we could never run short in this family, theres always so many things hapenning. It could be funny or sad or inspiring or just something thats typical of our family :)
So everyone please come up with your favourite story.
Rules :
1. Word limit of 3000 words
2. Deadline : 20 September
3. Judging will be done by common vote, so the story getting the most votes wins (I hope this is an incentive for people just reading this blog to participate)
4. In case of a tie, the decision of the judges will be FINAL and cannot be argued over (and their identity will remain a secret so u cannot go and hit them)
4. Exciting prizes for the top 3 stories

Hurry and send in your entries before September 20th!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hi to all....

Hi! Everybody. Its been long since I got into the blog. Yet to read the other ones and with the time nearing 1:00 after midnight, I dare not, as I would just doze offff in front of the monitor... which has been happening for the past one week or so..
Things have been too hectic for the past one month with me on the lookout for a good direct client from US. Yet to have concrete results. But I have started loving this phase of mine where I am kept busy and away from the weird thoughts that usually is caught by my antenna in the nights. I have started a small production unit at home and now to be expanded to the other side of my house with the training center too... so it looks like its going to be too hectic for me in the next coming days. ( its a secret as to how i managed to vacate the person residing in the next door....:) )

Kapu seems to be hunting for a house but would seriously look in only in the evening on sundays wherein they would all be filled in... by 10:00 a.m.. and she claims to be hunting very very seriously on and offfff..

The next happening in our family is Kudavika's son's marriage in Madurai. Last night called up Kapu at1100 to confirm the dates and as usual i got a gggrrrrrrrrrr from her, and also to know that i have not yet thought of my return tickets... :)

nothing much as I am yet to get into the gossip circle... he..he..he...
bfn (hey not bad i have got into the chat language....)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Aswatha's story

Aswatha, simply simply great. Im flummoxed by this tearingly imaginative talent in the family.
That contest which Dachu entered closed yday or we could have sent this one. still there will be another one somewhere.
Simply fantastic.

Isnt the last bit -Margaret and Me? Just to clarify. Since I teach English on the basis of 11 years of schooling with very little grammar.

The 4 Ks

Where is everybody?

Since Im mostly housebound with rain and carpenters - let me catch up with character assassination/analysis.

Its Karthy's birthday this month - so wish you Kar a great day filled with the myriad joys from many small things.

-a big heart that encompasses the extended family truly
- very good organizer can get most people to work for her
- keeps planning ahead

She could focus a bit less on little things and be more happy

- a heart that encompasses family and lots of friends
- willing to help always ( this could be a negative )
- generous

She could value herself more

- the most focused on her career
- cheerful and being able to see the lighter side
- doesnt care too much about how house looks or her cooking tastes

She could be slightly less haphazard in things other than career

Okay if anyone wants to talk about me, please mention my negatives loud and clear so I can see how other people view me. I dont think anything will change - its just to know.

My Story-Still Thinking Of A Title

On a deserted highway the only thing visible in the dark was a pool of blood..I felt sick and pulled the car over to the side.I opened the door and gagged and retched before vomiting.Ahead,I could see the silhouette of a woman who had heard me vomiting and was now calling out for me to help her.I approached her cautiously ready to run at the first opportunity.She seemed to be about twenty and had a distinguised face,but it's features were now contorted with pain.Bleeding heavily had made her extremely weak.'Help me!', she cried.'Drag me into your car.'she pleaded.My mind was reeling and I had no idea what to do.There I was , a normal American male,a software engineer,driving back home from the city to visit my parents and then suddenly I was helping a victim of what looked like an attempted murder case.I took a deep breath and started dragging her across.'Quickly!', she cried.' They'll be back.' 'Who?Who will be back?'I shouted.She told me how earlier in the evening a group of men had entered her house , demanding her access code to her safe.She had refused and they had dragged her out to this desolate highway.She had struggled but a rich college student living a pampered lifestyle was no match for five fully grown men.Desperately,she had told them a false code after which they had stabbed her and left her to bleed to death.Hearing this made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.I was sweating yet shivering at the same time.The only means of protection that I had was a small revolver which was always kept in the car , but I was not even properly trained to use that.My cell had run out of battery a couple of hours ago and anyway there wasprobably no netork in a place as uninhabited as this.I increased my pace and helped her into the front seat of the car.I slammed the door shut and got into the driver's seat.With trembling fingers I turned the key in the ignition,put my foot down on the accerelator and sped off.My heart started to beat quickly as the adrenalin rushed through my veins.Suddenly my worst fears were confirmed.In the rear view mirror I could see a white van which was rapidly catching up.'Its them', said the woman , too weak to talk further.This was not happening,not happening...I increased the speed and turned left at a fork in the road.I needed to do something , anything to stop them .As quick as lightning , an idea struck me.I opened the window,while slowly applying the brake.Behind me the white van was approaching at top speed.Since I had braked,the van driver was forced to apply a sudden brake ,making him lurch forward.I leaned out of the window and using my revolver I shot a hole in the front tyre.In the same instant as the bullet pierced the rubber,I zoomed ahead,not daring to look back.I hoped with all my heart that the thugs had given up the chase.Finally on looking back,I realised that they had.Now I had one more problem to solve.The woman next to me was deteriorating quickly.I was hardly in a better condition.I was covered with blood and felt faint.I reached the city within ten minutes.It was full of clubbers since it was Friday night.I asked for directions to the nearby hospital.On reaching the hospital, I quickly informed the doctors there what had happened as the nurses carried the woman into the operating theatre.Then I reached a pay phone and informed the police and told them where to find the criminals.Without any warning, everything suddenly went black.
When I woke up , I was in a recovery room next to the woman.She introduced herself as Margaret Brown and thanked me profusely for saving her life.

'And that, my darlings was how I met your mother', I told my 3 children as they lay in bed, gazing adoringly at Margaret and I.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Financial Literacy

The new thing is not computer but financial literacy. Notice how RD has moved from articles on how to lose weight to how to invest your funds.

So here is a little test to gauge how well you manage your money.

1) Suppose you have Rs.100 in a saving account and the interest rate is 3.50 % a year. How much would you have it you leave the money there to grow for five years -
more than Rs.103.50 /exactly rs.103.50, less than Rs.103.50

2) Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account is 3.50% a year and inflation is 4% a year.
After one year would you be able to buy
more / exactly the same as /less than today with the money in this account?

3) Buying a single company stock usually provides a safer return than a stock mutual fund
True or false?

Correct answers to the above questions will determine whether you are past the lowest threshold level of financial literacy.

i have to admit that I had to think for a couple of minutes. But, Im sure most of the women I know will fail miserably.
Girls, come on arm yourselves . Its not enough to earn. You've got to know and have the power to spend your money wisely.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

its good to catch up

hi everybody, its good to read the blog after a week.  lots of news.

darshus story was good.. we should realise people around us have a life also and not live in our cocoon.  

now a days  when any patient has crossed 40 , i have a relook ,and think do i also appear as old. as u say old age is always 10 years away and doesnt happen to u.  
its activity and intrest in things around u that keeps u going.  i always contrast appa with chetty uncle .  their behaviour was totally different when they lost their wives.  appa was not a socaible type when young , no parties and friends but when amma passed away ,he immersed himself in the family and all the children,s problems became his own, he worried about our servants not turning up, our carrer change ,the grand kids education etc. it kept him alive .  and now of course the colony activities gives him no rest and a lot of friends.  while chetty uncle just shut himself off from the world, though he was the more outgoing type when compared to appa. 

can be extremely helpful when he wants to.
too sensitive and gets into moods now and themn.  but the blog has done a lot for his sense of humour.

kalu your kitchen looks good though u were quite brave to choose white.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ahh age has finally caught up with me :(

At the age of 7 we boys used to have a competition after school about how high we could piss on a wall from the edge of the road.
After the summer break I could'nt piss as high as the younger kids.
Thats when I realised .... :(

Monday, September 1, 2008

A matter of opinion

Amachi: My life till 5th standard...till ravi took her away!!! Appreciate her qualities more as I mature: strong, determined, achiever, generous and family first.
Anandhi: Enthusiastic , generous of her time, busy bee, attached to family, determined to achieve her desires..go for it Anandhi.
Anya: only from heresay...
Ashwatha: Adjusting, helpful and artisitc like her mom
Babu: My teenage, intelligent and very humourus.
Gautham: Underhand humour, very helpful when he wants too, loves his family and Gossip. ( me too , i always say when it is relayed through media it is news and when it is relayed through people it's Gossip. This is a discussion i would love to have.)


I think we need both people and purpose for a fulfilling life. True ravi, old age is always 10 years off at least.

Babu, we live in a country where our kids are supposed to support us emotionally and physically and monetarily in our old age - what we did for them when they were young. But the times are changing and we have to prepare ourselves with a different mindset and be strong physically and monetarily. As long as kids are around, one doesnt feel old - they keep you occupied enough.

WElcome to the blog and hope you had a good holiday. I mean to celebrate my 50th (many years off:-) and yours sounds wonderful- but I would rather do without a macho male dancer. I hae enough time to think what I want.

Dachu's lit story is for a competion. So please give your comments. Im trying to rack my brains too but little imagination.

Ive finally got the kitchen cupbards done - 10 years after the house was built. :-)))))))))))
And saving madly to get it done.

Karthy, notice that spoon rack. The ones you got long lon ago on your trip to Malayisa. They've finally found a place.

How old !

As we grow up our concept of being old changes !
at 10 20 seems ols at 20 30 seems old and so on
as long we can think be happy no trouble to others we should be fine

regd old people i didnt say that they look to their children for a purpose in life, i said they look to work as a purpose in life and that keeps them going
that they are independent etc
i am sure if you look around in india in the roadside ,shops etc
you will see many people working their heart out and thats what they are used to, happy to earn and if they earn more that day they feel delighted

hop to work now

dachu welcome to the world !
its full of good and bad things, stay positive and keep working


birthdays by babu

Having just had my 50th birthday, wonder why some of you are feeling so old in your forties.

I have patients of mine who are well into their nineties . One lady in particular books the next holiday as she is finishing her holiday. She always asks me 'Will it be ok Dr Raj?' and I always reply that it should be fine. She is 98 now, at 100 in the UK you get a telegram from the queen. That is something she is looking forward to. All the elderly people I meet feel that age is how old you feel you are rather than what number your age is. Scientifically speaking it is your biological age ie (what your body lets you feel you are) than the chronological age.

I had a terrific 50th birthday, I stretched it out to three parties over a period of three weeks. One very private at home with a few friends, next was at a nearby tennis club attended by about thirty of my friends. The third was one thrown by my staff at a turkish restaurant in town, well with a very attractive turkish belly dancer which was the cherry on the cake.