Thursday, September 4, 2008

its good to catch up

hi everybody, its good to read the blog after a week.  lots of news.

darshus story was good.. we should realise people around us have a life also and not live in our cocoon.  

now a days  when any patient has crossed 40 , i have a relook ,and think do i also appear as old. as u say old age is always 10 years away and doesnt happen to u.  
its activity and intrest in things around u that keeps u going.  i always contrast appa with chetty uncle .  their behaviour was totally different when they lost their wives.  appa was not a socaible type when young , no parties and friends but when amma passed away ,he immersed himself in the family and all the children,s problems became his own, he worried about our servants not turning up, our carrer change ,the grand kids education etc. it kept him alive .  and now of course the colony activities gives him no rest and a lot of friends.  while chetty uncle just shut himself off from the world, though he was the more outgoing type when compared to appa. 

can be extremely helpful when he wants to.
too sensitive and gets into moods now and themn.  but the blog has done a lot for his sense of humour.

kalu your kitchen looks good though u were quite brave to choose white.

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