Friday, September 12, 2008

helpful tips.

hi folks,

am about to compere for a radiology paediatric meet.  can anyone give me some tips about how to make it more intresting.  ravi how about some authentic doctor jokes to slip in between talks.

ashwthas story was good.  darshu i will take up ur story after a week or so.

it was a hit and run affair on my part at kundavis sons wedding. landed at 6.45. dressed ,reached mandapam at 9,  went straight to breakfast. wedding thali tying got over by 10. rushed to view temple ,again changed clothes and was away in gouthams car to chennai by 12 pm.
dint talk to kundavi, her hubby . dont worry just handed over the moi to the mapillai before pushing off.

how do we make weddings nmore intresting to guests ??? is it only good food,and of course good gossip.

character analysis.
kalia--- helpful,
               quite good at getting people to do things for her,
               good organiser.  things of even the smallest detail.

              total lack of self confidence. which really has to be rectified.
               also needs to take her health seriously and think of the future.

            keeps protesting but ultimately helps people.
            good at social service though u wouldnt think it.
            good language skills .could be put to good use.

           shaaaarrrrrrrppppppp toungue. needs to soften it.
           still hasnt made me donuts[ sajit]
           cant spell my name correctly[ sajit]
           use her brains to add to the family kitty.

           helpful to all. as kalu says too much at times.
           works untiringly . she is the one i think of when there are no servwnts at home and house
                        work  drives me crazy.
          very good mother .
          balanced person. able to look at the positive side.

        faults is only overweight.

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