Monday, September 8, 2008

My Story-Still Thinking Of A Title

On a deserted highway the only thing visible in the dark was a pool of blood..I felt sick and pulled the car over to the side.I opened the door and gagged and retched before vomiting.Ahead,I could see the silhouette of a woman who had heard me vomiting and was now calling out for me to help her.I approached her cautiously ready to run at the first opportunity.She seemed to be about twenty and had a distinguised face,but it's features were now contorted with pain.Bleeding heavily had made her extremely weak.'Help me!', she cried.'Drag me into your car.'she pleaded.My mind was reeling and I had no idea what to do.There I was , a normal American male,a software engineer,driving back home from the city to visit my parents and then suddenly I was helping a victim of what looked like an attempted murder case.I took a deep breath and started dragging her across.'Quickly!', she cried.' They'll be back.' 'Who?Who will be back?'I shouted.She told me how earlier in the evening a group of men had entered her house , demanding her access code to her safe.She had refused and they had dragged her out to this desolate highway.She had struggled but a rich college student living a pampered lifestyle was no match for five fully grown men.Desperately,she had told them a false code after which they had stabbed her and left her to bleed to death.Hearing this made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.I was sweating yet shivering at the same time.The only means of protection that I had was a small revolver which was always kept in the car , but I was not even properly trained to use that.My cell had run out of battery a couple of hours ago and anyway there wasprobably no netork in a place as uninhabited as this.I increased my pace and helped her into the front seat of the car.I slammed the door shut and got into the driver's seat.With trembling fingers I turned the key in the ignition,put my foot down on the accerelator and sped off.My heart started to beat quickly as the adrenalin rushed through my veins.Suddenly my worst fears were confirmed.In the rear view mirror I could see a white van which was rapidly catching up.'Its them', said the woman , too weak to talk further.This was not happening,not happening...I increased the speed and turned left at a fork in the road.I needed to do something , anything to stop them .As quick as lightning , an idea struck me.I opened the window,while slowly applying the brake.Behind me the white van was approaching at top speed.Since I had braked,the van driver was forced to apply a sudden brake ,making him lurch forward.I leaned out of the window and using my revolver I shot a hole in the front tyre.In the same instant as the bullet pierced the rubber,I zoomed ahead,not daring to look back.I hoped with all my heart that the thugs had given up the chase.Finally on looking back,I realised that they had.Now I had one more problem to solve.The woman next to me was deteriorating quickly.I was hardly in a better condition.I was covered with blood and felt faint.I reached the city within ten minutes.It was full of clubbers since it was Friday night.I asked for directions to the nearby hospital.On reaching the hospital, I quickly informed the doctors there what had happened as the nurses carried the woman into the operating theatre.Then I reached a pay phone and informed the police and told them where to find the criminals.Without any warning, everything suddenly went black.
When I woke up , I was in a recovery room next to the woman.She introduced herself as Margaret Brown and thanked me profusely for saving her life.

'And that, my darlings was how I met your mother', I told my 3 children as they lay in bed, gazing adoringly at Margaret and I.

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